Pytorch Blitz - 01 - Run a minimal 2-layer network

How to run a minimal 2 level neural network in pytorch

Pytorch in a hurry - Part 1

Learning about numpy while going through cs231n’s first few notes was exciting. The best part was figuring out the code that would run in a vectorized manner.

In this code walkthrough, we will attempt to write a simple neural network that trains on GPU. The neural network is extremely simple -

(a) no regularization - this is bad because the model will be susceptible to overfitting (b) no bias vector - this is bad as the layer can no longer capture affine properties (c) abusing GPU - this is a really small example and can be done on CPU with ease but we want to demonstrate simple GPU use

But this is just a walkthrough and we will probably be okay inspite of all the above downsides.

Jupyter Notebook and Annotations

The jupyter notebook can be accessed here.


The entire structure has been heavily borrowed from Stanford’s cs231n course. The code here is specially borrowed from Justin Johnson’s github repository of pytorch examples. The course and various repositories and videos on youtube have been extremely helpful in paving the way to understanding these concepts!


What is vectorized code?

There are simpler examples to motivate vectorized code in numpy but here’s an example that I would like to show. It involves computing the gradient of a ReLU function. So, how is ReLU function defined?

$$ ReLU(x) = max(0.0, x) $$

That is it. It is one of the most popular activation functions in Neural Networks. Others being Leaky ReLU, tanh, sigmoid, etc.

Since, this is a neural network, we also have to worry about backpropagation. That means, we would like to compute the derivative of ReLU(x).

$$ \dfrac{dReLU(x)}{dx}= \begin{cases} 1.0, & \text{ if } x >= 0 \ 0.0, & \text{ if } x < 0 \ \end{cases} $$

Remember that x is a vector of size Nx1. Now, the easy and naive way of executing the deritvative would be -

for i in range(N):
  dx_ReLU[i] = 1.0 if x[i] > 0 else 0

CPUs and GPUs usually do not like sequential instructions like these. It is like sending N instructions one at a time on a 4 lane highway. We are wasting 3 lanes while only using 1 lane. Now, numpy has implemented many of its methods in a optimized way which means they can take advantage of all the lanes in a highway. For that, we need to throw away the for loop and instead write it this way -

dx_ReLU = np.ones(size=(N, 1))
dx_ReLU[x < 0] = 0
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